Hello, Friends of Napa County Fairgrounds (FONCF).
This is our 3rd letter in the recent series of emails, and possibly, the most important. We are sending these five questions to the current sitting Napa County Board of Supervisors and all of the candidates running for the upcoming District 1 and District 3 seats for Supervisor. These questions are also being sent to all of the sitting Calistoga City Council Members, as well to every Napa County newspaper, from American Canyon to Calistoga. We will post the responses (and the non-responses) in a blog on our website once received.
The answers will be a great way to begin educating ourselves on the District 1 and 3 candidates, the sitting Board of Supervisors, and our 5 Calistoga City Council Members. Elections matter and your vote counts! As a group, we have proven that an organized, strategic 'voice' can make a difference. We plan on continuing with more questions for all of the sitting elected officials and future sitting elected officials. Please feel free to submit any ideas for future questions to us. Thank you again for your continued support!
If elected, will you support the purchase of the fairgrounds by the City of Calistoga?
Do you support keeping it with the vision listed by the FONCF (preserve and open the entire 70-acre historical Napa County Fairgrounds, recreational area, and open space)?
What is your standing on the senate bill AB622 (brief summary below) in reference to Napa County Fairgrounds golf course? If this bill passes, do you promise to defend Calistoga’s right to not enter into any such agreement?
'AB 672 as proposed further jeopardizes the Napa County Fairgrounds and Golf Course by providing a financial incentive for cities and counties to eliminate golf courses and convert the property to low-income housing.'
This is a brief summary of the Bill – AB 672, as amended, Cristina Garcia (serving in the California State Assembly representing the 58th Assembly District, Los Angeles County). Publicly owned golf courses: conversion: affordable housing.
Do you support the continuation of the racetrack? We have an established promoter that is willing to continue on, but we need some reassurance that those elected will support the return.
If you support the purchase of Calistoga buying the fairgrounds, do you see this happening by the end of 2022? If not, why?
Friends of the Napa County Fairgrounds